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This demonstration will look at the diagnostic tools that are available within IBM Access Connections.
Network Diagnostic Tools can be accessed by using the menu drop down from the Network button at the top of the Connection Status screen or they will automatically appear as the result of an error condition. For example Access Connections attempts to complete a connection using the variables that were supplied at the time a profile was built. If that profile or any other that may fit the environment will not connect Access Connections will provide a “Help Me Fix This…” button on the IBM Access Connection ?C Progress screen. Clicking this button will take you to the Diagnostic Tools.
On the initial Diagnostic Tools screen under the Connection Status tab an attempt will be made to give you a description of the error such as the Cause the Error Code and if possible a Recommended Action. Also listed are Adapter details TCP/IP settings Security details and Program details as well as Options if any are used. This will give the user the opportunity to double-check the settings and possibly catch a configuration problem without lengthy troubleshooting.
The next tab will give you the ability to Ping another address. An experienced user would know how to do this through the DOS Command prompt but within IBM Access Connections the ability is built into the Diagnostic Tool saving time and effort. The address used to Ping can be in the form of a known website such as www.yahoo.com or a TCP/IP address if a local one is known to be accessible. The information received from the results of Ping can help to identify where the connection is broken or if there are other problems with the link.
https://webdoc.lenovo.com.cn/lenovowsi/cskb/data/2006-07-24/20047/Access Connections diagnostic tools movie part 1 of 2 - ThinkVantage Technologies.swf
- 1操作演示 网络自适应软件设置无线上网二 (tvt_Access Connections setting up a wireless WAN profile movie part 2 of 2 - ThinkVantage Technologies)2操作演示 网络自适应软件诊断工具二 (tvt_Access Connections diagnostic tools movie part 2 of 2 - ThinkVantage Technologies)3操作演示 网络自适应软件创建概要文件一 (tvt_Access Connections creating a profile movie part 1 of 2)4操作演示 硬盘保护系统二 (tvt_Active Protection System movie part 2 of 2 - ThinkVantage Technologies)