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在 Excel 2002 中受支持的文件格式的列表

macro sheets)

   HTML                                       .htm
   Web Archive                                .mht

   XML Spreadsheet                            .xml

下表列出了仅保存在活动 Excel 工作表中的受支持的文件格式。              File name extension
   Formats that save only the active sheet   (Windows only)

   Microsoft Excel version 4.0 sheet         .xls .xlc .xlm
   formats (including Microsoft Excel
   macrointernational macro sheets)

   Microsoft Excel version 3.0 formats       .xls .xlc .xlm

   Microsoft Excel version 2.x formats       .xls .xlc .xlm

Lotus 1-2-3 的文件格式当您在 Microsoft Excel 中打开.wk1 或.wk3 文件时,则 Excel 会应用关联的.fmt、.fm3 或这些文件中的格式。如果您在 Microsoft Excel 格式保存 Lotus 1-2-3 文件,Microsoft Excel 保存电子表格数据,并在单个工作簿文件格式。

WK1 (1-2-3) (*.wk1) 和 WK3 (1-2-3) (*.wk3) 格式保存,只有有限的工作表的格式。若要将 Microsoft Excel 工作簿保存为 Lotus 1-2-3 格式,并保持边框、 单元格底纹、 字体和其他格式,请选择将存储在单独的.fmt、 确保或就文件格式的 Lotus 1-2-3 文件格式。

下表列出了受支持的 Lotus 1-2-3 文件格式。    Lotus 1-2-3 file format     Version         Note

   WK4 (*.wk4)                 4.0             Saves the entire workbook

   WK3 (*.wk3)                 3.x and         Saves only worksheets and
   WK3 FM3 (*.wk3)            Lotus 1-2-3/W   chart sheets

   WK1 (*.wk1)                 2.x             Saves only the active sheet

   WK1 (FMT) (*.wk1)           1.0 and 1.0A    Saves only the active sheet
   WK1 (ALL) (*.wk1)
   WKS (FMT) (*.wks)

   .PIC (when included in      3.x and Lotus   Open but cannot save this
   an .All file)               1-2-3/W         format

文本文件格式下表列出了可用于打开和保存文件的文本格式。    Text file format                           Note

   Formatted Text (Space-delimited) (*.prn)   Lotus space-delimited format.
                                              Saves only the active sheet.

   Text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt) (Windows)     If you are saving a workbook
   Text (Macintosh)                           as a tab-delimitedcomma-
   Text (OS/2MS-DOS)                      delimited text file for use
   CSV (comma delimited)(*.csv) (Windows)     under another operating
   CSV (Macintosh)                            system S E L E C T the
   CSV (OS/2MS-DOS)                       appropriate converter to
                                              ensure that tab characters
                                              line breaks and other
                                              characters are interpreted
                                              correctly. Saves only the
                                              active sheet.

   DIF (data interchange format) (*.dif)      Saves only the active sheet.
   SYLK (symbolic link format) (*.slk)        Saves only the active sheet.

重要提示: 如果您以文本格式保存工作簿,所有格式都将丢失。

其他电子表格程序和数据库下表列出了 Excel 2002 还支持其他文件格式。  Format          Program                   Notes

   DBF 2 DBF 3   dBASE II III            Opens and saves only the
   DBF 4 (*.dbf)   and IV                    active worksheet

   WQ1 (*.wq1)     Quattro Pro for           Opens and saves only the
                   MS-DOS                    active worksheet

      .wb3            Quattro Pro               Opens only and Converter
                   version 7.0 for Windows   required**

   .wks            Microsoft Works version   Opens only Microsoft Works
                   2.0 for Windows or        2.0 for Windows and
                   Microsoft Works for       Microsoft Works for MS-DOS
                   MS-DOS.                   spreadsheets.
** 从 Microsoft 的Windows 8.0 wb3 文件。

注意: 虽然 Excel 支持这些文件格式,某些功能可能不能在打开或保存文件,这些格式 ;例如,某些文件格式不支持嵌入的图表或带格式文本。

剪贴板格式您可以通过编辑菜单上的粘贴或选择性粘贴命令导入 Microsoft Excel 中粘贴以下剪贴板格式。    Format                       Notes

   Picture                      Picture (Windows enhanced metafile EMF)
                                Note: If you copy a Windows metafile (WMF)
                                picture from another program Excel pastes
                                the item as an EMF picture.

   Bitmap                       Bitmap (BMP)

   Microsoft Excel formats      Binary file formats for Excel versions 3.0
                                4.0 5.0/95 and 97-2002 (BIFF BIFF3
                                BIFF4 BIFF5 and BIFF8)

   Symbolic link format         SYLK

   Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.x      .wk1

   Data interchange format      .dif

   Text (tab-delimited) format  Text

   Comma-separated values       .csv

   Formatted text (only from    Rich Text Format (RTF)
   Microsoft Excel)

   Embedded Object              Excel objects objectsfromproperly
                                registered programs that support OLE 2.0
                                (OwnerLink) and Pictureanother
                                presentation format

   Linked object                OwnerLink ObjectLink Link Picture or
                                other format

   Office drawing object        Office drawing object formatpicture
                                (Windows enhanced metafile format EMF)

   Text                         Display Text OEM Text

   HTML                         .htm

                                NOTE: when you copy textfromanother
                                program Excel pastes the text in HTML
                                format regardless of the format of the
                                original text.

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