切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 切片 编组 3 切片 切片 路径 2 download 工具 配置对比 手册 切片 切片


安装或使用软件过程中经常出现错误对话框,并提供一个0x00******** 8位的代码,有些会提示错误原因,并提供参考处理方案,有些只有此代码,无法确定什么原因。


ID 错误代码 错误描述 原因分析 解决方案
2528 800F081F
Windows Update 或 Microsoft Update 不能确定加密服务提供程序,或 Windows Update 所需文件(名为目录库)是否破坏。 点击此处>>
2527 0xC800042D



2526 0xC80003FA

hrReadVerifyFailure /


2525 0xc00d11d1
视频卡(也称为图形卡或显示适配器)无法正常工作 点击此处>>
2524 0xc004FC07
具有时效的许可已过期,常见于非正式版本 安装最新的windows 版本
2523 0xC004FC03
激活你的 Windows 副本时,发生网络问题 如果防火墙设置阻止 Windows 完成在线激活过程,你可能会看到此错误。 若要解决此问题,可以通过手机激活 Windows。 1. 从屏幕右边缘向中间轻扫,然后点击“搜索”。(如果使用的是鼠标,则指向屏幕右下角,然后将鼠标指针向上移动,再单击“搜索”。) 2.在搜索框中输入 SLUI 04,然后点击或单击“SLUI 04”。 3.按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
2522 0xc004F07C
OEM 预装SLP错误 请检查安装版本是否与原装系统一致,并检查产品密钥是否对应正确的安装版本
2521 0xc004F063
OEM 预装SLP错误 请检查安装版本是否与原装系统一致,并检查产品密钥是否对应正确的安装版本
2520 0xC004F061
软件许可服务确定了该指定产品密钥仅能用于升级,不能用于全新安装 如果你使用产品密钥升级到 Windows 8.1 或 Windows 8,但是你的电脑上尚未安装之前版本的 Windows,则可能看到该错误。 要升级,你必须已经在电脑上安装了 Windows 8、Windows 7、Windows Vista 或 Windows XP。
2519 0xc004F059
OEM 预装SLP错误 请检查安装版本是否与原装系统一致,并检查产品密钥是否对应正确的安装版本
2518 0xc004F058
OEM 预装SLP错误 请检查安装版本是否与原装系统一致,并检查产品密钥是否对应正确的安装版本
2517 0xC004F00F
产品激活超出容错限制 请检查是否有硬件更换(主板或硬盘),如果是厂商因维修进行更换而无法自动激活系统,请打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1833
2516 0xC004E003
软件许可服务报告许可证评估失败。 安装已更改系统文件的第三方软件后,可能会看到该错误。 Windows 激活需要特定系统文件才能完成激活。 你可以尝试将电脑的系统文件还原到以前的时间点。 该操作将删除该时间点后安装的任何软件,而不会影响你的个人文件。
2515 0xC004C770
产品密钥已在另一台机器上使用 请移除其中一台安装,如果确认只有一台机器安装系统,请打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1833
2514 0xC004C4AE
正版验证检测到 Windows 二进制文件被篡改 如果使用第三方应用添加 Windows 当前不支持的显示语言,可能会看到此错误。 若要解决此问题,可以将电脑还原到以前的时间点来撤消对 Windows 所进行的更改。
2513 0xC004C4AA
无法激活具有 Media Center 的 Windows 8.1 专业版 或具有 Media Center 的 Windows 8 专业版 如果对 Windows 8.1 或 Windows 8 使用了“添加功能”以将当前版本的 Windows 升级到具有 Media Center 的 Windows 8.1 专业版 或具有 Media Center 的 Windows 8 专业版,可能会看到该错误。 仅可以在以下情况下激活不同版本的 Windows:在预安装 Windows 的电脑上激活,或者 Windows 是通过 Windows 网站或零售商店购买的。 要解决此问题,需要使用通过购买确认电子邮件或 DVD 提供的产品密钥来安装 Wi
2512 0xC004C4A9
被地域限制的产品密钥 请查明在哪里买的电脑,并打电话到相应的微软激活热线。查找激活热线号码在:点击此处在屏幕左下角更改国家
2511 0xc004C4A7
OEM 预装SLP错误 请检查安装版本是否与原装系统一致,并检查产品密钥是否对应正确的安装版本
2510 0xC004C4A2
被封锁的产品密钥 请打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1834
2509 0xC004C400
无法激活具有 Media Center 的 Windows 8.1 专业版 或具有 Media Center 的 Windows 8 专业版 在添加 Windows Media Center 包并尝试输入新产品密钥之后,可能会看到该错误。 若要解决此问题,你可以通过手机激活 Windows。 1. 从屏幕右边缘向中间轻扫,然后点击“搜索”。(如果使用的是鼠标,则指向屏幕右下角,然后将鼠标指针向上移动,再单击“搜索”。) 2.在搜索框中输入 SLUI 04,然后点击或单击“SLUI 04”。 3.按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
2508 0xC004C060
被封锁的产品密钥 请打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1833
2507 0xC004C052
产品密钥被拒绝,通常因为产品密钥在激活数据库中没有记录 检查电脑是否为预装机,如果是,需要检查出厂带的产品密钥是否正确。需厂商自己解决。
2506 0xC004C051
产品密钥被拒绝,通常因为产品密钥在激活数据库中没有记录 检查电脑是否为预装机,如果是,需要检查出厂带的产品密钥是否正确。需厂商自己解决。
2505 0xC004C017
被地域限制的产品密钥 请查明在哪里买的电脑,并打电话到相应的微软激活热线。查找激活热线号码在:点击此处,在屏幕左下角更改国家
2504 0xC004C016
仅用于预装系统的产品密钥 请打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1834
2503 0xC004C014
激活服务现在不可用 请稍后再试
2502 0xC004C013
激活服务现在不可用 请稍后再试
2501 0xC004C012
激活服务现在不可用 请稍后再试
2500 0xC004C008
激活服务器报告产品密钥超过其解锁限制。 如果产品密钥已用于另一台电脑,或者使用它的电脑数量超过微软软件许可条款所允许的数量,可能会看到该错误。 若要解决该问题,需要为每台电脑购买产品密钥以在其上激活 Windows。如果确认只有一台机器安装系统,请打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1832
2499 0xC004C003
此产品密钥不可用 如果最近对 Windows 8 使用了“添加功能”以获取带有更多功能的 Windows 版本,若立刻在 Windows 应用商店中更新到 Windows 8.1,可能会看到此错误。 要解决此问题,需要联系 微软激活热线800-830-1832或400-830-1832 如果使用的产品密钥无效,也可能看到此错误。 将需要购买新的产品密钥,或者如果购买了预安装 Windows 的电脑,请联系电脑制造商以获取原始密钥。
2498 0x8024a000
电脑与 Windows 更新服务之间的连接中断。 点击此处>>
2497 0x80246002
Windows 更新所需的文件可能已损坏 点击此处>>
2496 0x8024402F



2495 0x80244022



2494 0x80244016



2493 0x8024400E



2492 0x8024400D



2491 0x8024400A



2490 0x80244008



2489 0x8024001F
电脑无法连接到 Windows 更新服务器 点击此处>>
2488 0x80240016
正在进行另一个安装 点击此处>>
2487 0x800F081F
Windows 更新所需的某个文件已损坏或缺失 点击此处>>
2486 0x800b0100
Windows 更新所需的某个文件已损坏或缺失 点击此处>>
2485 0x8009033F

SEC_E_Shutdown_IN_Progress /


2484 0x80090305



2483 0x80073712
Windows 更新所需的某个文件已损坏或缺失 点击此处>>
2482 0x80072F8F
出现安全错误 如果电脑的日期和时间不正确,或者 Windows 在连接到联机激活服务时遇到问题,不能验证你的产品密钥,你可能会看到此错误。若要验证电脑的日期和时间,请按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 从屏幕右边缘向中间轻扫,然后点击“搜索”。(如果使用的是鼠标,则指向屏幕右下角,然后将鼠标指针向上移动,再单击“搜索”。) 2.在搜索框中输入日期和时间,然后执行以下操作之一: •在 Windows 8.1 中,点击或单击“日期和时间设置”。 •在 Windows 8 中,点击或单击“设置”,然后点击或单击“日期和时间”
2481 0x80072F78



2480 0x80072F76



2479 0x80072EFE
由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2478 0x80072EFD
由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2477 0x80072efd
无网络连接 请检查网络连接,连接成功后再试或者打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1833进行电话或人工激活
2476 0x80072EEF
由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2475 0x80072EE7
由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2474 0x80072EE7
无网络连接 请检查网络连接,连接成功后再试或者打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1833进行电话或人工激活
2473 0x80072EE2



2472 0x8007232B
DNS 名不存在 如果你尝试激活你的工作电脑,但未连接到工作区的网络,则可能会看到此错误。 如果你已连接到工作网络,但仍然遇到此错误,则你可能需要更改你的网络设置。 请与系统管理员联系,以获取详细信息。 如果你没有系统管理员,则可能需要重新输入产品密钥。 请按照下列步骤进行操作: 1. 从屏幕右边缘向中间轻扫,然后点击“搜索”。(如果使用的是鼠标,则指向屏幕右下角,然后将鼠标指针向上移动,再单击“搜索”。) 2.执行下列操作之一: •在 Windows 8.1 中,在搜索框中输入产品密钥,然后点击或单击“更改 Win
2471 0x80071A90



2470 0x800706F4
TimeOut transient 稍后重试
2469 0x8007066A
电脑无法连接到 Windows 更新服务器 点击此处>>
2468 0x80070666
可能是以前的 Microsoft Office 版本导致了此错误。 重新启动你的电脑,然后尝试再次检查更新。如果在 Microsoft Office 更新中遇到此错误,则需要删除并重新安装 Microsoft Office。
2467 0x8007065e
Windows 更新所需的某个文件已损坏或缺失 点击此处>>
2466 0x800705B4
由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2465 0x80070490
组件的服务 (CBS) 清单已损坏 点击此处>>
2464 0x80070070
电脑上没有足够的驱动器空间来安装更新。 卸载不使用的应用、删除或存档不再需要的文件或添加可移动存储以释放空间
2463 0x8007000E
E_OUTOFMEMORY 由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2462 0x8007000d
Windows 更新所需的某个文件已损坏或缺失 点击此处>>
2461 0x80070008
由要更新的计算机与要下载的更新之间较轻微的通讯中断所引起 点击此处>>
2460 0x80070005 或 ”Windows is not genuine"
可能由于某些第三方工具封锁了硬盘权限 “GIGABYTE 3TB+ Unlock Utility”

移除相关注册表值 下载 Pstools 并解压缩

c:\\pstools PsTools:点击 以管理员运行

cmd cd c:\\pstools psexec /s /i regedit

若出现许可条款,点击 "agree"




2459 0x80070003
当Windows 更新中的某些文件缺少时,即使更新已下载并已成功提取,则出现此问题。 点击此处>>
2458 0x80070002
当Windows 更新中的某些文件缺少时,即使更新已下载并已成功提取,则出现此问题。 点击此处>>
2457 0x8004cf44
无网络连接 请检查网络连接,连接成功后再试或者打电话到微软激活热线800-830-1832,400-830-1833进行电话或人工激活
2456 0x80004005
意外错误 请重试激活。 如果仍不起作用,则可能需要还原、刷新或重置电脑
2455 0X00002780 Denied data query failed.[由于被拒绝,数据查询失败。]

2454 0X0000277F

In this call was

still processing call WSALookupServiceEnd

The call was cancelled.[在该调用还处于处理中时,就调用了WSALookupServiceEnd。该调用被取消。]

2453 0X0000277E WSALookupServiceNext cannot return more results.[WSALookupServiceNext不能返回更多的结果。]

2452 0X0000277D Cannot find the specified categories.[找不到指定的类别。]

2451 0X0000277C This service does not exist. The service cannot be found in the specified name space.[此服务不存在。在指定的名称空间中找不这个服务。]

2450 0X0000277B System call should never fail has failed.[从来不应失败的系统调用失败了。]

2449 0X0000277A Provider could not be loaded or initialization request service.[无法加载或初始化请求的服务提供程序。]

2448 0X00002779 The requested service provider is invalid.[请求的服务提供程序无效。]

2447 0X00002778 Invalid procedure call.[过程调用无效。]

2446 0X00002777 In this call was still processing call WSALookupServiceEnd. The call was cancelled.[在该调用还处于处理中时,就调用了WSALookupServiceEnd。该调用被取消。]

2445 0X00002776 WSALookupServiceNext cannot return more results.[WSALookupServiceNext不能返回更多的结果。]

2444 0X00002775 Returned by the WSARecv or WSARecvFrom distance have been closed.[由WSARecv或WSARecvFrom返回表示远程方面已经开始了关闭步骤。]

2443 0X0000276D The application has not called WSAStartup or WSAStartup failed.[应用程序没有调用WSAStartup,或者WSAStartup失败。]

2442 0X0000276C The Windows sockets version requested is not supported.[不支持请求的Windows套接字版本。]

2441 0X0000276B System it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable WSAStartup is not working properly.[因为它使用提供网络服务的系统目前无效,WSAStartup目前不能正常工作。]

2440 0X00002757 Item is not available locally.[项目在本地不可用。]

2439 0X00002756 File handle reference is no longer available.[文件句柄引用不再可用。]

2438 0X00002755 Insufficient disk quota.[磁盘限额不足。]

2437 0X00002754 Insufficient quota.[限额不足。]

2436 0X00002753 A limited number of a Windows socket operation may also use in the application.[一个Windows套接字操作可能在可以同时使用的应用程序数目上有限制。]

2435 0X00002752 Cannot delete the directory unless it is empty.[不能删除目录,除非它是空的。]

2434 0X00002751 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.[套接字操作尝试一个无法连接的主机。]

2433 0X00002750 Since the target host is broken socket operation failed.[由于目标主机坏了,套接字操作失败。]

2432 0X0000274F Name component or name too long.[名称组件或名称太长。]

2431 0X0000274E Unable to convert the name.[无法转换名称。]

2430 0X0000274D Because the target machine actively refused unable to connect.[由于目标机器积极拒绝,无法连接。]

2429 0X0000274C Because the connection after a period of time without the correct answer or connection to a host does not respond the connection attempt failed.[由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。]

2428 0X0000274B References to some kernel object too much.[对某个内核对象的引用过多。]

2427 0X0000274A As the previous close call the socket had already been shut down in that direction sending or receiving data request was not accepted.[由于以前的关闭调用,套接字在那个方向已经关闭,发送或接收数据的请求没有被接受。]

2426 0X00002749 Because the socket is not connected and (when using a SendTo call a datagram socket) provides no address a request to send or receive data was not accepted.[由于套接字没有连接并且(当使用一个sendto调用发送数据报套接字时)没有提供地址,发送或接收数据的请求没有被接受。]

2425 0X00002748 In an already connected socket made a connection request.[在一个已经连接的套接字上做了一个连接请求。]

2424 0X00002747 Because of the space system buffer or queue is full cannot perform an operation on a socket.[由于系统缓冲区空间不足或列队已满,不能执行套接字上的操作。]

2423 0X00002746 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.[远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。]

2422 0X00002745 Your software in the host gave up an established connection.[您的主机中的软件放弃了一个已建立的连接。]

2421 0X00002744 When the operation is in progress due to keep alive activity detecting a failure the connection is broken.[当该操作在进行中,由于保持活动的操作检测到一个故障,该连接中断。]

2420 0X00002743 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.[向一个无法连接的网络尝试了一个套接字操作。]

2419 0X00002742 A socket operation encountered a dead network.[套接字操作遇到了一个已死的网络。]

2418 0X00002741 In its context the requested address is not valid.[在其上下文中,该请求的地址无效。]

2417 0X00002740 Usually each socket address (Protocol / network address / port) allows only one.[通常每个套接字地址(协议/网络地址/端口)只允许使用一次。]

2416 0X0000273F Incompatible with the requested protocol address the use of.[使用了与请求的协议不兼容的地址。]

2415 0X0000273E The protocol family has not been configured into the system or there is no sign of it.[协议家族尚未配置到系统中或没有它的存在迹象。]

2414 0X0000273D The type of the object reference attempted operation is not supported.[参考的对象类型不支持尝试的操作。]

2413 0X0000273C Support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family.[在这个地址家族中不存在对指定的插槽类型的支持。]

2412 0X0000273B The requested protocol has not been configured into the system or no signs of its presence.[请求的协议还没有在系统中配置,或者没有它存在的迹象。]

2411 0X0000273A An unknown specified in the getsockopt or setsockopt in the call invalid or unsupported option or level.[在getsockopt或setsockopt调用中指定的一个未知的、无效的或不受支持的选项或层次。]

2410 0X00002739 A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested.[在套接字函数调用中指定的一个协议不支持请求的套接字类型的语法。]

2409 0X00002738 A transmission on a datagram socket messages larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit or the user buffer for receiving data reported smaller than the datagram.[一个在数据报套接字上发送的消息大于内部消息缓冲器或其他一些网络限制,或该用户用于接收数据报的缓冲器比数据报小。]

2408 0X00002737 The requested address omitted from an operation on a socket.[请求的地址在一个套接字中从操作中忽略。]

2407 0X00002736 An operation was attempted on a non socket.[在一个非套接字上尝试了一个操作。]

2406 0X00002735 In a non blocking sockets to an already in operation.[在一个非阻挡套接字上尝试了一个已经在进行的操作。]

2405 0X00002734 Is currently performing a blocking operation.[目前正在执行一个阻挡性操作。]

2404 0X00002733 A non blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.[无法立即完成一个非阻挡性套接字操作。]

2403 0X00002728 Too many open sockets.[打开的套接字太多。]

2402 0X00002726 Provided an invalid parameter.[提供了一个无效的参数。]

2401 0X0000271E The system detects pointer address pointer parameter is invalid attempts in a call.[系统检测到在一个调用中尝试使用指针参数时的无效指针地址。]

2400 0X0000271D In an access permissions do not allow way made an attempt to access the socket.[以一种访问权限不允许的方式做了一个访问套接字的尝试。]

2399 0X00002719 The file handle supplied is not valid.[提供的文件句柄无效。]

2398 0X00002714 A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.[一个封锁操作被对WSACancelBlockingCall的调用中断。]

2397 0X000026B0 DS is already enlisted in the specified directory partition.[DS已被列入指定的目录分区。]

2396 0X000026AF DS is not enlisted in the specified directory partition.[DS没被列入指定的目录分区。]

2395 0X000026AE The specified directory partition already exists.[指定的目录分区已存在。]

2394 0X000026AD The specified directory partition does not exist.[指定的目录分区不存在。]

2393 0X0000267C No DNS servers configured for local system.[没有为本地系统配置DNS服务器。]

2392 0X0000267B TCP/IP is not installed network protocol.[TCP/IP没有安装网络协议。]

2391 0X00002649 Security update call needs to update request.[安全更新呼叫需要继续更新请求。]

2390 0X00002619 Add a local WINS server.[添加了本地WINS服务器。]

2389 0X00002618 DNS zone transfer failed.[DNS区域复制失败。]

2388 0X00002617 DNSAXFR (region duplication) has been completed.[DNSAXFR(区域复制)已完成。]

2387 0X000025F7 Creating or reading the boot file for the directory service server is not set DNS DNS region.[DNS服务器没有为目录服务集合DNS区域创建或读取启动文件。]

2386 0X000025F6 DNS zone already exists in the directory service.[DNS区域已经在目录服务中存在。]

2385 0X000025F5 The directory service is not available.[该目录服务不可用。]

2384 0X000025F4 The DNS domain was not deleted.[DNS域没有被删除。]

2383 0X000025F3 Cannot create a pointer (PTR) record.[不能创建指针(PTR)记录。]

2382 0X000025F2 DNS name does not exist.[DNS名称不存在。]

2381 0X000025F1 Could not create DNS cache data.[不能创建DNS缓存数据。]

2380 0X000025F0 Secondary DNS zone data error.[次要DNS区域数据错误。]

2379 0X000025EF DNS record already exists.[DNS记录已经存在。]

2378 0X000025EE Record is not in the area of DNS root directory.[记录不在DNS区域根目录。]

2377 0X000025ED Specify the name of the CNAME record already exists.[指定名称的CNAME记录已经存在。]

2376 0X000025EC Node is a CNAMEDNS record.[节点为一个CNAMEDNS记录。]

2375 0X000025EB Detection of CNAME cycle.[检测到CNAME循环。]

2374 0X000025EA The name is not in the DNS region.[名称不在DNS区域。]

2373 0X000025E9 DNS record timed out.[DNS记录超时。]

2372 0X000025E8 Unknown DNS record type.[未知DNS记录类型。]

2371 0X000025E7 The node in DNS creation failed.[DNS中节点创建失败。]

2370 0X000025E6 DNS record format error.[DNS记录格式错误。]

2369 0X000025E5 DNS record does not exist.[DNS记录不存在。]

2368 0X000025B7 Failure while reading datafile for DNS zone.[读取DNS区域的数据文件时出现故障。]

145 0X000000CF The ring 2 stack is in use. [第2环堆栈已被占用。]

144 0X000000CE The file name or extension is too long. [文件名或扩展名太长。]

143 0X000000CD No process in the command subtree has a signal handler. [命令子树中的进程没有信号处理程序。]

142 0X000000CB The system could not find the environment option that was entered. [操作系统找不到已输入的环境选项。]

141 0X000000C8 The code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64 KB. [代码段不可大于或等于64K。]

140 0X000000C7 The operating system cannot run this application program. [操作系统无法运行此应用程序。]

139 0X000000C5 The operating system is not presently configured to run this application. [操作系统当前的配置不能运行此应用程序。]

138 0X000000C4 The operating system cannot run this application program. [操作系统无法运行此应用程序。]

137 0X000000BB The specified system semaphore name was not found. [找不到指定的系统信号灯名称。]

136 0X000000BA The flag passed is not correct. [传递的标志不正确。]

135 0X000000B7 Cannot create a file when that file already exists. [当文件已存在时,无法创建该文件。]

134 0X000000B4 The system detected a segment number that was not correct. [系统检测出错误的段号。]

133 0X000000AE The file system does not support atomic changes to the lock type. [文件系统不支持锁定类型的最小单元更改。]

132 0X000000AD A lock request was not outstanding for the supplied cancel region. [对于提供取消区域进行锁定的请求已完成。]

131 0X000000AA The requested resource is in use. [请求的资源在使用中。]

130 0X000000A7 Unable to lock a region of a file. [无法锁定文件区域。]

129 0X000000A4 No more threads can be created in the system. [无法在系统中创建更多的线程。]

128 0X000000A2 A signal is already pending. [信号已暂停。]

127 0X000000A1 The specified path is invalid. [指定的路径无效。]

126 0X000000A0 The argument string passed to DosExecPgm is not correct. [至少有一个参数不正确。]

125 0X0000009F The address for the thread identifier is not correct. [线程ID的地址不正确。]

124 0X0000009E The segment is already unlocked. [段已解除锁定。]

123 0X0000009D The segment is already discarded and cannot be locked. [段已被放弃且无法锁定。]

122 0X0000009C The recipient process has refused the signal. [接收人进程拒绝此信号。]

121 0X0000009B Cannot create another thread. [无法创建另一个线程。]

120 0X0000009A The volume label you entered exceeds the label character limit of the target file system. [输入的卷标超过目标文件系统的长度限制。]

119 0X00000099 The DosMuxSemWait list is not correct. [DosMuxSemWait列表不正确。]

118 0X00000098 DosMuxSemWait did not execute; too many semaphores are already set. [DosMuxSemWait没有运行;已设置过多的信号灯。]

117 0X00000097 The number of specified semaphore events for DosMuxSemWait is not correct. [为DosMuxSemWait指定的信号灯事件数量不正确。]

116 0X00000096 System trace information was not specified in your Config.sys file or tracing is disallowed. [系统跟踪信息未在CONFIG.SYS文件中指定,或不允许跟踪。]

115 0X00000095 An attempt was made to join or substitute a drive for which a directory on the drive is the target of a previous substitute. [企图将驱动器合并或替代为驱动器上目录是上一个替代的目标的驱动器。]

114 0X00000094 The path specified cannot be used at this time. [指定的路径无法在此时使用。]

113 0X00000093 Not enough resources are available to process this command. [资源不足,无法处理此命令。]

112 0X00000092 The path specified is being used in a substitute. [指定的路径已在替代中使用。]

111 0X00000091 The directory is not empty. [目录不是空的。]

110 0X00000090 The directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. [目录不是根目录下的子目录。]

109 0X0000008F The system cannot join or substitute a drive to or for a directory on the same drive. [系统无法将驱动器合并到或替代为相同驱动器上的目录。]

108 0X0000008E The system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time. [系统无法在此时运行JOIN或SUBST。]

107 0X0000008D The system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive. [系统试图替代驱动器为合并驱动器上的目录。]

106 0X0000008C The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a substituted drive. [系统试图将驱动器合并到替代驱动器上的目录。]

105 0X0000008B The system tried to substitute a drive to a directory on a substituted drive. [系统试图将驱动器替代为替代驱动器上的目录。]

104 0X0000008A The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive. [系统试图将驱动器合并到合并驱动器上的目录。]

103 0X00000089 The system tried to delete the substitution of a drive that is not substituted. [系统试图解除未替代驱动器的SUBST。]

102 0X00000088 The system tried to delete the JOIN of a drive that is not joined. [系统试图解除未合并驱动器的JOIN。]

101 0X00000087 An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been substituted. [试图在已被合并的驱动器上使用JOIN或SUBST命令。]

100 0X00000086 An attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been joined. [试图在已被合并的驱动器上使用JOIN或SUBST命令。]

99 0X00000085 A JOIN or SUBST command cannot be used for a drive that contains previously joined drives. [包含先前加入驱动器的驱动器无法使用JOIN或SUBST命令。]

98 0X00000084 The file pointer cannot be set on the specified device or file. [无法在指定的设备或文件上设置文件指针。]

97 0X00000083 An attempt was made to move the file pointer before the beginning of the file. [试图将文件指针移到文件开头之前。]

96 0X00000082 Attempt to use a file handle to an open disk partition for an operation other than raw disk I/O. [试图使用操作(而非原始磁盘I/O)的已打开磁盘分区的文件句柄。]

95 0X00000080 There are no child processes to wait for. [没有等候的子进程。]

94 0X0000007F The specified procedure could not be found. [找不到指定的程序。]

93 0X0000007E The specified module could not be found. [找不到指定的模块。]

92 0X0000007D The disk has no volume label. [磁盘没有卷标。]

91 0X0000007C The system call level is not correct. [系统调用级别不正确。]

90 0X0000007B The file name directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. [文件名、目录名或卷标语法不正确。]

89 0X0000007A The data area passed to a system call is too small. [传递给系统调用的数据区域太小。]

88 0X00000079 The semaphore time-out period has expired. [信号灯超时时间已到。]

87 0X00000078 This function is not valid on this platform. [这个系统不支持该功能。]

86 0X00000077 The system does not support the command requested. [系统不支持请求的命令。]

85 0X00000076 The verify-on-write switch parameter value is not correct. [验证写入的切换参数值不正确。]

84 0X00000075 The IOCTL call made by the application program is not correct. [应用程序发出的IOCTL调用不正确。]

83 0X00000072 The target internal file identifier is incorrect. [目标内部文件标识符不正确。]

82 0X00000071 No more internal file identifiers available. [没有更多的内部文件标识符。]

81 0X00000070 There is not enough space on the disk. [磁盘空间不足。]

80 0X0000006F The file name is too long. [文件名太长。]

79 0X0000006E The system cannot open the device or file specified. [系统无法打开指定的设备或文件。]

78 0X0000006D The pipe has been ended. [管道已结束。]

77 0X0000006C The disk is in use or locked by another process. [磁盘在使用中,或被另一个进程锁定。]

76 0X0000006B The program stopped because an alternate diskette was not inserted. [由于没有插入另一个软盘,程序停止。]

75 0X00000069 The previous ownership of this semaphore has ended. [此信号灯的前一个所有权已结束。]

74 0X00000068 Cannot request exclusive semaphores at interrupt time. [无法在中断时请求独占的信号灯。]

73 0X00000067 The semaphore cannot be set again. [无法再设置信号灯。]

72 0X00000066 The semaphore is set and cannot be closed. [已设置信号灯,无法关闭。]

71 0X00000065 The exclusive semaphore is owned by another process. [另一个进程拥有独占的信号灯。]

70 0X00000064 Cannot create another system semaphore. [无法创建另一个系统信号灯。]

69 0X00000059 The system cannot start another process at this time. [系统无法在此时启动另一个进程。]

68 0X00000058 A write fault occurred on the network. [网络上发生写入错误。]

67 0X00000057 The parameter is incorrect. [参数不正确。]

66 0X00000056 The specified network password is not correct. [指定的网络密码不正确。]

65 0X00000055 The local device name is already in use. [本地设备名已在使用中。]

64 0X00000054 Storage to process this request is not available. [无法取得处理此请求的存储空间。]

63 0X00000053 Fail on interrupt 24 handler. [INT24上的故障。]

62 0X00000052 The directory or file cannot be created. [无法创建目录或文件。]

61 0X00000050 The file exists. [文件存在。]

60 0X00000048 The specified printer or disk device has been paused. [已暂停指定的打印机或磁盘设备。]

59 0X00000047 No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time because there are already as many connections as the computer can accept. [已达到计算机的连接数最大值,无法再同此远程计算机连接。]

58 0X00000046 The remote server has been paused or is in the process of being started. [远程服务器已暂停,或正在启动过程中。]

57 0X00000045 The network BIOS session limit was exceeded. [超出了网络BIOS会话限制。]

56 0X00000044 The name limit for the local computer network adapter card was exceeded. [超出本地计算机网络适配器卡的名称限制。]

55 0X00000043 The network name cannot be found. [找不到网络名。]

54 0X00000042 The network resource type is not correct. [网络资源类型不对。]

53 0X00000041 Network access is denied. [拒绝网络访问。]

52 0X00000040 The specified network name is no longer available. [指定的网络名不再可用。]

51 0X0000003F Your file waiting to be printed was deleted. [已删除等候打印的文件。]

50 0X0000003E Space to store the file waiting to be printed is not available on the server. [服务器上没有储存等待打印的文件的空间。]

49 0X0000003D The printer queue is full. [打印机队列已满。]

48 0X0000003C The remote adapter is not compatible. [远程适配器不兼容。]

47 0X0000003B An unexpected network error occurred. [出现了意外的网络错误。]

46 0X0000003A The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. [指定的服务器无法运行请求的操作。]

45 0X00000039 A network adapter hardware error occurred. [网络适配器硬件出错。]

44 0X00000038 The network BIOS command limit has been reached. [已达到网络BIOS命令限制。]

43 0X00000037 The specified network resource or device is no longer available. [指定的网络资源或设备不再可用。]

42 0X00000036 The network is busy. [网络很忙。]

41 0X00000035 The network path was not found. [找不到网络路径。]

40 0X00000034 A duplicate name exists on the network. [由于网络上有重名,没有连接。请到“控制面板”中的“系统”更改计算机名,然后重试。]

39 0X00000033 The remote computer is not available. [Windows无法找到网络路径。请确认网络路径正确并且目标计算机不忙或已关闭。如果Windows仍然无法找到网络路径,请与网络管理员联系。]

38 0X00000032 The network request is not supported. [不支持请求。]

37 0X00000027 The disk is full. [磁盘已满。]

36 0X00000026 Reached the end of the file. [已到文件结尾。]

35 0X00000024 Too many files opened for sharing. [用来共享的打开文件过多。]

34 0X00000021 The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. [另一个程序已锁定文件的一部分,进程无法访问。]

33 0X00000020 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. [另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。]

32 0X0000001F A device attached to the system is not functioning. [连到系统上的设备没有发挥作用。]

31 0X0000001E The system cannot read from the specified device. [系统无法从指定的设备上读取。]

30 0X0000001D The system cannot write to the specified device. [系统无法写入指定的设备。]

29 0X0000001C The printer is out of paper. [打印机缺纸。]

28 0X0000001B The drive cannot find the sector requested. [驱动器找不到请求的扇区。]

27 0X0000001A The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed. [无法访问指定的磁盘或软盘。]

26 0X00000019 The drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk. [驱动器找不到磁盘上特定区域或磁道。]

25 0X00000018 The program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. [程序发出命令,但命令长度不正确。]

24 0X00000017 Data error (cyclic redundancy check). [数据错误(循环冗余检查)。]

23 0X00000016 The device does not recognize the command. [设备不识别此命令。]

22 0X00000015 The device is not ready. [设备未就绪。]

21 0X00000014 The system cannot find the specified device. [系统找不到指定的设备。]

20 0X00000013 The media is write protected. [介质受写入保护。]

19 0X00000012 There are no more files. [没有更多文件。]

18 0X00000011 The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive. [系统无法将文件移到不同的驱动器。]

17 0X00000010 The directory cannot be removed. [无法删除目录。]

16 0X0000000F The system cannot find the drive specified. [系统找不到指定的驱动器。]

15 0X0000000E Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. [存储空间不足,无法完成此操作。]

14 0X0000000D The data is invalid. [数据无效。]

13 0X0000000C The access code is invalid. [访问码无效。]

12 0X0000000B An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. [试图加载格式不正确的程序。]

11 0X0000000A The environment is incorrect. [环境不正确。]

10 0X00000009 The storage control block address is invalid. [存储控制块地址无效。]

9 0X00000008 Not enough storage is available to process this command. [存储空间不足,无法处理此命令。]

8 0X00000007 The storage control blocks were destroyed. [存储控制块被损坏。]

7 0X00000006 The handle is invalid. [句柄无效。]

6 0X00000005 Access is denied. [拒绝访问。]

5 0X00000004 The system cannot open the file. [系统无法打开文件。]

4 0X00000003 The system cannot find the path specified. [系统找不到指定的路径。]

3 0X00000002 The system cannot find the file specified. [系统找不到指定的文件。]

2 0X00000001 Incorrect function. [函数不正确。]

1 0X00000000 The operation completed successfully. [操作成功完成。]


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